Welcome to my new site

music with people

What inspires me is the connection I make with people (young and adult) I write for : their energy, their spirit, what makes them “tick”… This is why I love writing for them

What moves me most during musical projects are the deep connections, the transformative moments and the empowering performances that take place along the path…

A musical carrier dedicated to empowering people through making music with and for them

I am a clarinetist who has performed on many stages, playing difficult contemporary music, virtuoso chamber music and flying improvisations in various settings.

About 25 yeas ago, I had the wish to contribute to others’ well-being through music as well as the need to play a part in the making of a fairer, more diverse society.

This is what I now do and have been doing for the past 25 years.

It has taken the form of: writing for symphony orchestras along side young players; composing and arranging for fragile members of the community and professional players; making music with prisoners. I have co-created ensembles inviting professionals from different musical disciplines (classical, jazz) to venture outside their field through collaborating, improvising and inventing  material.

In all these journeys, I endeavor to travel with as much commitment, depth and virtuosity as I did with my playing (which I still do by the way…)

I would love to

hear from you. Whether you are looking for a composer to write for symphony orchestra mixed a specific group of different abilities, for a conductor to lead a ensemble or for a music coach to invite classical musicians to discover improvising…